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Privacy Policy


PornHoard's position on privacy

TL;DR: We respect your privacy and your right to be anonymous and discrete

It's your right to know what kind of info is collected about you, how / why it's collected, what's done with it and how long it's kept for

Google Analytics
Like millions of websites, PornHoard uses Google Analytics to help make it better.
Google Analytics is software that grabs data about our visitors (you). Its something like an advanced server log.
What information does Google Analytics record?
  • What website (or search engine) you came from to get here
  • How long you stay for
  • What kind of computer you're using
  • What country / area of the world you are in
  • And quite a bit more
All of this data is anonymous. Here are some things Google Analytics does NOT collect:
  • Your name (not collected)
  • Your address (not collected)
  • Your e-mail address(es) (not collected)
  • Your age (not collected)
  • Your gender (not collected)
The information Google Analytics collects allows us to better understand the kind of people who come here and what content there enjoying. This allows us to make better decisions about what kind of content to provide in the future.
All of this activity falls within the bounds of the Google Analytics Terms of Service.
What information is collected in addition to Google Analytics?
In addition to Google Analytics we measure the total amount of clicks that content on our site receives (gallery, pay-site link, model page, thumbnail, etc.) Currently these numbers are statistical only, i.e: we only count the total clicks received without knowing who specifically clicked on what via our internal tracker, non-personal information (e.g., IP addresses) has been anonymized.
A cookie is information that a web-site stores in your browser and retrieves later when you return. Cookies are the primary way that sites track you. Without them you couldn't "log in" to places like Facebook or Gmail.
Our policy on cookies is to only use them in order to provide you with better content.
Server logs
We keep server logs to monitor the health of our servers, so does our CDN provider CloudFlare. These logs contain non-personal information about you.
Here is an actual example of an entry (with the IP addresses censored for privacy):
X.X.X.X, X.X.X.X - - [22/Jun/2013:13:36:47 -0500] "GET /galleries/8398 HTTP/1.0" 200 4035 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/536.30.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.5 Safari/536.30.1"
Each part explained:
  • X.X.X.X, X.X.X.X
    IP addresses
  • [22/Jun/2013:13:36:47 -0500]
    The date and time of the request
  • "GET /galleries/8398 HTTP/1.0"
    The request type, requested page and the HTTP protocol version
  • 200 4035
    The response status our server sent (200 OK) and the size of the document (4035 bytes)
  • ""
    The web page the person came from
  • "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/536.30.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.5 Safari/536.30.1"
    The "User Agent" data provided by the web browser to our server. This data is provided by your browser to every site you visit in order to tell the site what kind of browser and operating system you are using. In this example we can tell that the person is using Safari 6.0.5 on Mac OS X 10.8.4. There are browser plugins that can disable or change this information.
Server logs are stored on our servers for a maximum of 7 days, after which they are deleted automatically. Sometimes we even turn logging off all together for performance reasons.
Malware is software that is installed on your computer without your knowledge or consent and used to either collect information about you, show you unwanted advertisements or use your computer's resources in ways in which you do not intend.
PornHoard does not distribute or use any kind of malware. We never have and we never will. It is evil and we believe it should be illegal (fortunately in many cases it is).
Is the content (pictures) on PornHoard legal?
PornHoard is a legal business operating in the USA since 2022. We have a reputation that we work hard to protect.
Every picture on PornHoard comes from a site that charges memberships. These sites own the copyright and give us permission to use the pictures to promote them. When someone purchases a membership through PornHoard, we're paid a commission. We make sure we only deal with reputable companies that are well known and trusted.
Every gallery has a "Legal Info" link in the footer. This will take you to the record holder information for that content (the person who maintains the identification and legal documentation for the models appearing in that gallery). As a United States company we are not required by law to provide this information but, we choose to do so voluntarily.
Occasionally someone contacts us and claims that a picture on our site is of them, and is being used without their permission. These cases are rare and are usually the result of a model who had a falling-out with her photographer or company. In these instances our policy is to contact the company that owns the copyright for clarification. If the claim holds up we always remove the images permanently. We have never been involved in any legal proceedings regarding the use of images, as we respect the wishes of both copyright holders and models and always work to resolve these issues in a civil manner.
Who can I contact for further information?
If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to use the Contact Form to get in touch with us. We will do our best to respond ASAP.
Last updated February 23, 2023